
Using a Cloud-Based Video Platform for Pre-service Teachers’ Reflection

Tomohito WadaChikako KakoiKoji Hamada & Chikashi Unoki


A cloud-based video platform was deployed into the pre-service PE teacher training course. One hundred and five students were enrolled in the course, and all demonstration (demo) lessons performed by students were video recorded and shared with the system. After each demo lesson, students were required to conduct two types of assessments by marking up the video with tags. As a result, the tags marked into each video clip were widely spread, and this suggests that it prevented a decrease in a student’s concentration to observe them. The number of tags became relatively large in some teams, and this suggests that mark-up may be influenced by tags that were marked in advance by their peers. Except for a few cases, students conducted the assessments correctly through the system. According to the survey completed by students, most of the comments were positive. This trial gave a direct and visual feedback of the demo lessons, and it provided a good opportunity for students for their reflection.




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